End grain chopping board
This butchers style chopping board is made up of oak end grain.
All the pieces are made up of offcuts from other bespoke jobs I've made.
These can be used as serving platters or cheese boards. They are very versatile.
Each piece starts out as long lengths of square section, these are then glued and cut. Then glued up and cut again, until the desired size is achieved.
The end grain of oak is extremely strong. These will last for years of chopping. They are sealed with olive oil to make sure they are food safe and easy to take care of. When ever you it looks dry just poor a bit on and rub it off. Very low maintenance.
The board is apr 270mm x 370 x 36mm.
Sizes and shape can be made to bespoke requirements at an extra cost
The grain pattern may vary as no two pieces of timber are the same.
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